Tips on How to Have a Healthy Relationship

A healthy relationship leads to an increase in happiness in one’s life, improves health, and reduces stress. Study says that people having healthy relationship have less stress. Though every relationship is distinct there are some basic ways to make relationship healthier. This can be applied to all kinds of relationships such as friendship, work, family relationships, and romantic partners.

Keep Realistic Expectations

Sometimes we expect a lot from the opposite person which may not be realistic. Healthy relations mean accepting people the way they are and not trying to change them according to your perspective. No one can be as perfect as we want them to be.

Communicate with Each Other

Communication is one of the essential factors for maintaining a healthy relationship. Give appropriate time to an individual that matters to you whether that is a friend, family, or your partner. Listen to the person genuinely. Don’t try to interrupt in between when they are making their point. Try to listen and understand their perspective and then try to put your words. Show them that you are interested in them; ask them a question about their day, opinions, feelings, experiences, etc. Studies also say that sharing information also proves to be beneficial for good relations. Let people know who you are, but don’t share too much personal information too soon. Give it time. Try to communicate openly and honestly.

Learn to Give and Take in Your Relationship

Healthy relationships are built on little compromises. If you expect to get 100% of what you want from a relationship, you are going to set yourself up for disappointment. However, it takes both the person to make sure there is a reasonable exchange. It takes both the person to maintain a healthy relationship, only one cannot maintain good relation.

Recognize What’s Essential to Your Partner

Knowing what is truly important to your partner and what matters to them can go a long way towards building goodness and an atmosphere of compromise. On the other hand, it’s also important for your partner to recognize your wants and for you to state them clearly. Constantly giving to the opposite person at the expense of your own needs will only build bitterness and anger.

Learn How to Resolve Conflict Respectively

Conflict is unavoidable in any relationship. All people in relationships go through ups and downs. To maintain a strong relationship, both people need to feel they have been heard. Your goal should not always be to win but to maintain and strengthen the relationship.

Make sure you are fighting fairly, keeping the focus on the recent issue, and not digging other issues from the past. Don’t argue unnecessarily over the things that cannot be changed. Respect the other person and don’t attack them directly. Try to understand their perspective too, over the issue. Also, the important thing is, resolving conflict is impossible if you are unwilling or unable to forgive others.

Be Open to Change

Change is inevitable in everyone’s life. It’s up to you whether you go with it or fight it. If you are flexible to adapt to the change that is taking place in the relationship, it will allow you to grow together through bad and good times. Don’t ever try to force a solution to any of the conflicts. Remember every person works through problems and issues in their way. Always remember you are a team and continue to move forward together will get you through the rough spots.

Reach out together, if you need outside help for your relationship

There comes one point in a relationship where it seems too complex and becomes difficult for you to handle as a couple. At this point, you can talk together to your trusted friends, family, or religious figure to sort it out.

Online Dating Tips You Need to Know to Succeed in the Dating World

Earlier online dating was considered a taboo subject. But in recent days virtual dating has become a popular medium to meet new people. Especially virtual dating has increased in this pandemic situation where face-to-face meetings have been put at a standstill. Undoubtedly, online dating is the greatest invention the world has seen in this pandemic. You browse profiles and start a conversation with the one you like. In this imperfect world, you always look for the perfect partner. So here we will provide you some tips on how you can succeed in online dating.

Choose the Best Dating Site

Finding the best site to date is the foremost thing in virtual dating. There are various dating sites and apps available in recent days, with each having its niche or specialization. You can browse through various sites and see if they meet your personality and specifications or not and then you can decide on which to go for.

Create a Good Online Dating Profile

You must create the best profile of yourself. Create a profile according to your personality. Even many of the dating sites and apps provide you the option of setting parameters. Make a good introduction of yourself in the first paragraph. You can set the parameters like what kind of people can contact you or what kind of partner you are looking for. So this can make it easy for you and the other person too.

Be Truthful

It may be tempting to paint yourself in a different light and increase the number of matches. If you want to succeed and satisfy your motive, you need to be real you. By being truthful you will also get quality instead of quantity. If you are looking for a committed relationship you have to be the real you. People would not want someone to spend time with you for what you are not and you also would find it convenient to spend your precious time with some fake person. So, if you are looking for a genuine partner, then you should also be genuine and truthful at first.

Make a List of all Things that you are Looking for in a Relationship

You should be prepared at first for online dating and you should always have the answer to the question “What are you looking for?” You should be quite clear in your mind about what kind of partner you want to have a genuine relationship. Don’t ever be afraid to be honest, and weed out the guys/girls who are not serious – if that is what you want.

Look for the One who Makes it Convenient for You

Don’t indulge into date very quickly. Wait for the one who goes out of the way for you to make you feel convenient. Don’t just fall for every “Hey, let’s meet up”, see the efforts the person is making for you. Be aware there will also be some people who might not just be prepared to date genuinely. So always look for the efforts. Try to first know each other on texts, calls and if your vibe matches then meet in person.

Don’t Shy Away from Cultural Differences

In virtual dating, you will find lot of people from various cultures. And if you like someone from a different culture don’t be shy and end up not giving a chance. Give it a chance, who knows that person fulfill all the requirements you see for a perfect match.

So, these are few tips you should always look for. So if you are looking for any genuine online dating app then we are here for you. Chillflix is one of the online dating apps where you can browse through different profiles, meet new people, chat with them and find your perfect match. It is not just about browsing profiles, like Instagram you can share your posts on Chillflix. Also on Netflix how there are trending shows available, in Chillflix you can view trending singles.

How Online Dating is Changing Society Gradually

Not only has advancement in technology changed lives in an easier and positive way but also has made it a lot easier for people to find their perfect matches online. There are many online dating sites and apps available nowadays for people to interact and to complete the search for the perfect match for them. The surveys say that online dating is especially popular among certain age groups, particularly younger adults. Some of the adults dating online end up into being married or being committed to each other. If we talk about the experiences of the online dating users they describe the overall positive experience using online dating platforms rather than a negative experience.

Online dating platforms offer the freedom to connect people from different places, know each other personally and move ahead accordingly. There are also some of the downsides of the dating app where especially females feel harassing behavior by men continuing to contact them after they said they were not interested. Here we can see how positively online dating has changed society gradually.

Meeting your potential partners online is helpful

As you browse through different profiles of available contacts, you can decide who to get in touch with. If you don’t find the perfect chemistry, you can quickly move on until you meet someone you can really connect with. Dating sites are all about finding your compatible person. There are more chances you’ll find someone on your wavelength.

You can narrow down searches according to your parameters

It is very difficult to find the exact match according to your requirements. On online dating apps, you can narrow down the parameters simply by specifying the type of partner you are seeking for when you join the app or site. You can see the power remains in your hand.

You can learn more in prior about someone before dating

Though it is sometimes difficult to gain a full picture of someone’s character from a few paragraphs of online description, you can exchange messages to get to know the fuller picture about the potential partner you are looking for. In this way, you can ensure if there is chemistry between you before even meeting a person face-to-face.

So if you are also the one who is looking for a potential partner for a lifetime through an online dating app, we bring you the most exciting one. Chillflix is a dating app that is inspired by Netflix and Instagram, thinking about what if they were the dating apps. So, like Netflix there is much functionality in Chillflix like you can browse the most trending singles here, look for the profiles that match the best for you, chat with them, you can share your content; get to know each other by checking out the posts of the person you like. You can watch, read content and also save it to favourites if you like it the most. You can find your perfect match here on Chillflix.

Best Advice on How to Deal with a Heart Break

Many people these days have to deal hardly with heartbreak. In this period you can experience every emotion possible. You will find yourself feeling and thinking things that you have never thought of before and this could lead you to an even worse situation. This isn’t a fun thing at all. But to deal with heartbreak you need to get your mind back to the square so that you can figure out what can be done next.

So, here in this article, we will provide you with some of the pieces of advice that you can look upon to overcome the most painful breakup.

Cut Off Communication

The foremost advice is to cut off the communication with your ex. You go through trauma at this point because the feel-good hormones that you got from your partner are unexpectedly gone. When you crave for those feel-good hormones and you get into this feeling again and try to see your ex, you will struggle to move on and find yourself stuck for months and years. So to cut off all the contact, in the beginning, will prove to be healthy for your mind and heart. Dive your mind to some creative activities you like and try to meet new people to make yourself feel refreshed. Don’t close yourself in a room enclosed with four walls. Stop stalking your ex. Block all the means that help you to connect to your ex.

Measure the Loss Properly

Many people will see the breakup like they have lost everything. There is no life beyond that person. We often get attached to some people and derive a lot of our value and worth from them. We always seek that person’s perspective or approval for nuances in our life. But just think the way alternatively, you had a wonderful life before they entered your life. You must remind that yourself now. The fact of the matter is there are millions of people on this planet that have gone through the painful stages of breakup and have successfully healed their broken hearts to become the better and strongest person they ever could have been. And they have not only been strong but also have become a very successful person. So remind yourself that this is not the end but the starting point to evolve your rest journey.

Find a Support System

Call up your close friends and share with them what you are going through. There a lot of close people who are there to help you out but they can’t because you don’t tell your heart out to them. Meet them, share your thoughts, get counsel, and reminding yourself you are not alone will be very beneficial for you. Go on a small refreshing trip with your close friends. It is said that friends play the biggest role in the healing process of a broken heart. If you tell things out to others, you will feel a sigh of relief.

Exercise and Meditate

It is said that the endorphins produced during the exercise will aid the withdrawal symptoms after the breakup and will help you build confidence again. Meditation is the best exercise to calm your mind. You should at least meditate for 30 minutes a day to have a relaxed and calm mind. Meditation helps in building your inner peace and helps you overcome the mental trauma that you are going through.

Create New Routine

You should focus now on creating new routines. For instance, say you always had a plan of a movie or outing on Saturday with your ex. Now your Saturdays are wide open you can plan up with your friends to visit a beautiful place or party at home and enjoy yourself.  

Explore Your Interests

Say you liked hiking, trekking, exploring nature and beautiful places but your partner didn’t like and due to which you had to cut back on your interests. So now is the time to explore your interest, to feel positive and relaxed. Now, as you are single, give yourself the permission to resume your interests and make new hobbies.

And lastly, life is not over yet, there is much to explore and yes always look up for positive thoughts and move forward towards the ladder of success waiting for you. 

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