Interesting date questions that will help you test your compatibility

When it comes to picking the right life partner, there are many options available these days, such as various online dating apps and sites. You will come across millions of people on dating app, but how will you sort the most compatible one for you. Asking questions to the opposite person to assess your compatibility can help you figure out if you and that person could work long term or not. It is mandatory to ask questions to determine their preferences to get to know them on a deeper level which aids you to know if you match up.

Here we will suggest you few questions that you can ask when you start a conversation. Don’t panic, relax and have a great conversation.

How do spend your leisure time seems to be a pretty simple question, but it can be huge for determining your compatibility. If they say they love sleeping till the afternoon and have a boozy brunch, you may not be compatible in this area while you are more of a green juice person. Make sure there’s some common ground in a weekend plan to make some big compromises.

If the person is not a reading person, you can ask what music fires them up or what art shows they are dying to see. Whatever it may be, you need to make sure you are intellectually compatible and keep up with one another. If you end up being a life partner, you will be spending many downtimes together, and you will want to be with someone with whom you can carry on stimulating conversation.

It is not necessary to have your partner’s spiritual beliefs to be the same as yours. There are many couples in relationships with differing religious views. Different religious views is never a matter of breakup, but if spiritual beliefs are important to you, how you view your life, and how you will want to raise your family, it’s mandatory to know how close or far your beliefs are.

This question can describe you a lot about the person. It will aid you to know what that person has views about the balanced or healthy relationship. A healthy relationship involves honesty, trust, respect, and communication between the two and takes effort and compromises from both ends. Your views should match on this as it would help you to have a long committed relationship.

The level of emphasis a person places on family can tell you a lot about them. For example, if you are a family person and close to your family, you might want a person who is the same way. And if you are not a family person, you might not want to spend life with a family-oriented person. So this can be a vital question to ask before moving towards building a great relationship.

While trying to build compatibility with the person, this is the essential thing you should know. Some people are more introverted, and some people are extrovert. Sometimes an extrovert person would get bored being with an introverted person, leading to unhealthy relationships. So this question should be considered while moving forward to taking a big step.

So these are the few questions you can ask the person to have a compatibility match before moving to build a long committed relation. So what are you waiting for? If you are in search of the best compatible person, use the Chillflix app and meet the perfect match. Start great conversations and have a great time.

Things to do when you meet up for the first time

Are you planning a meet-up with your partner, for the first time, but not sure what to do together for the first time? We feel you and so we will try to make it easy for you in this article. Coffee shop meet up is though the most preferred but if you and your partner are an adventurous person then you ought for more fun activities. You met online and now you are about to meet for the first time. Isn’t it exciting?

You might already have planned various things and a plethora of things might be swirling around in your head. If you have done it then it is good but if not don’t worry we will suggest to you some of the best ideas to make your first meet a memorable one.

Hiking may give you one of the best experiences of life. Fresh air, best views what else you want to spend a great time with your best person. This may increase the bond you share. Pro tip: Carry food and plenty of water along with you to keep yourself hydrated.

Picnics are great for giving you sufficient time together and staying relaxed. If the weather is too good to relax, plan a park or beach relaxing day. Pack up some treats and find a lovely spot to spend some time soaking in the beauty of nature as well as the beauty of each other.

If your partner or you love art you should plan a trip to a museum or art gallery. Art galleries and museums never fail to inspire an interesting conversation. You can refresh yourself from day-to-day activities and spend a refreshing day admiring the arts. And then you can plan a coffee for a good treat and conversation.

Do you know it is impossible to have a bad day at the bar if they have a shuffleboard table, darts, or buck hunter? Having games and activities with your partner is never a failed idea; it is the best way to spend some time laughing together.

It can be a great way to spend some time together during your first visit and this is probably the favorite date night for many couples. Enjoy the chance to relax together with some snacks and a cozy blanket. Watch your favorite kind of movie together. After all, you might have spent many nights dreaming about the chance to do something simple together like this.

Taking a long walk is a great way of enjoying the beauty of the natural world and has a good deep conversation at the same time. A long walk can be anywhere maybe in the city, a park, on the lake, beach or any other place you would like to. This is a great time to know each other more personally, know each other’s likes and dislikes, and much more. We hope whatever you end up doing; you have an awesome time together. Occasionally it happens that when you meet someone for the first time, things don’t go as you planned but still you end up having a good time. So, don’t stress and have a good time.

Few tips to maintain long-distance relationship

These days there are a plethora of people in a long-distance relationship, some manage it while some face troubles maintaining long-distance relation. Here we will discuss few tips on how to make a long-distance relationship work.

Stay connected

Since in a long-distance relationship you won’t be seeing each other in person for maybe a longer period it is very important to stay in contact. It is vital to establish and maintain an emotional connection as often as you can. Frequent communication is very much needed though small but it will show that you care enough to put your time and effort into a relationship. Try to at least share your day-to-day experiences or else if you allow large gaps to pass by, your everyday experiences fade and you will have to start from scratch every time you interact. Communication plays a vital role in long-distance relationships. You should prefer trying a variety of technologies to see what works best for you and your partner. You may try texting, video calling, and audio calling to keep up to date with the little details of the day.

Try maintaining your schedules appropriately, if you know you are going to be busy with the workload, let your partner know in advance and try to stay connected as per convenience. And if you are not busy as your partner try to indulge yourself in something of interest to you. Don’t try to keep longer gaps in communication such as many days or months as that would lead to creating differences between you. Also, try to understand sometimes if your partner is busy with schedules the whole day. Don’t try to raise a fight due to that instead understand the situation and communicate nicely the moment you get the chance to talk.

Visit Often

Try meeting your partner as often as possible or as often as your budget permits. Face-to-face communication is just as vital as having relationship satisfaction, commitment, and trust. Plan recreational trips, visit the places that are new to both or choose a place that is halfway between both of you. This will help you build your bond stronger.

Support each other, even over the distance

Supporting and understanding each other in long-distance relations is very important. Be supportive to your partner whenever he/she is in trouble, call them and try the best possible way to support them so that they don’t find themselves lonely. Supporting each other creates interdependence which proves to be crucial for a long-distance relationship. If your partner ends up dealing with the important issues alone then eventually at one point your partner will no longer need you. So be the strongest support to your partner that your partner needs no one to rely on when in trouble or facing severe issues.

Maintain trust

Trust is much important in a relationship regardless of distance. You cannot build a strong relationship without trusting each other. Be faithful to your partner. Sometimes lying in some situations may benefit you but it may not benefit your relationship and it may create differences among you two which may destroy your relationship. Be honest and open to each other. You should be committed to each other because of personal values and not because of social pressures. Don’t be with each other thinking about people that what they would think if you decide to apart but be with each other because you want to stay committed to each other no matter what.

So these are some of the ways you can build a strong and healthy long-distance relationship. Hope you have a great healthy distanced relationship.

How to create your Chillflix profile super authentic

During the global pandemic, people have found new ways to date and connect. We would want you to make sure you can share your personality with potential matches on Chillflix. So, here we will guide you to how do you put your best foot forward without being inauthentic.

Make an attractive bio

You should always have a concise bio that will help you to attract the kind of partner you want. Always keep your bio tone consistent that depicts your personality. Try keeping your bio as short and simple as possible. Your bio will always be the first way people will judge you. All the people looking for a potential match is highly probable to read dozens of profile in a day. Say something about yourself; bio is the part of your profile where people can know about you. Avoid being generic and be clear if you want to look for a better one, this would help you filter faster.

Mention your interests in bio

Be clear about your interests and likes in your bio. Write down all the things that make you a little odd than others. People fall for odds. Your profile should always be content-rich even though it’s short and sweet.

Your photos should reflect what you describe in your bio and also your lifestyle

As the saying says, “a picture is worth a thousand words” and your photos are your first impression. Upload a clear, perfectly-angled photo in your display picture as that is the vital thing. Don’t include old photos or any overly filtered or edited ones. When it comes to images, you got to come correct as many people on online dating apps just look at photos.

If you are an adventurous person, upload photos of the adventures you had. If you are a big fan of happy hour, upload a candid picture with a cocktail in hand to create a lit profile. Ultimately it’s up to you how you are portraying yourself. It is always good to keep a selfie or your single image at first. Don’t ever make the mistake of uploading a group shot because that confuses people. Try keeping few full-length photos also as you believe it or not but some people are very concerned with physicality. So, it does not make sense if you go in a deep conversation with a person on the opposite which may have some different physic requirement as you have.

As per the saying, there is a difference between how men and women view a profile. Women often prefer seeing how someone describes themselves and connect with what they are saying while men often prefer prioritizing photos first.

Take advantage of Multimedia

Videos and photos are the highly prioritized way of conveying your personality on any online dating app. This is not only a good way of showing your personality but it also gives a good insight into your life which is very important while finding your perfect match via an online dating app.

So, to enjoy Chillflix, just make your profile the best and make it easy for you to find the perfect match.