How to create your Chillflix profile super authentic

During the global pandemic, people have found new ways to date and connect. We would want you to make sure you can share your personality with potential matches on Chillflix. So, here we will guide you to how do you put your best foot forward without being inauthentic.

Make an attractive bio

You should always have a concise bio that will help you to attract the kind of partner you want. Always keep your bio tone consistent that depicts your personality. Try keeping your bio as short and simple as possible. Your bio will always be the first way people will judge you. All the people looking for a potential match is highly probable to read dozens of profile in a day. Say something about yourself; bio is the part of your profile where people can know about you. Avoid being generic and be clear if you want to look for a better one, this would help you filter faster.

Mention your interests in bio

Be clear about your interests and likes in your bio. Write down all the things that make you a little odd than others. People fall for odds. Your profile should always be content-rich even though it’s short and sweet.

Your photos should reflect what you describe in your bio and also your lifestyle

As the saying says, “a picture is worth a thousand words” and your photos are your first impression. Upload a clear, perfectly-angled photo in your display picture as that is the vital thing. Don’t include old photos or any overly filtered or edited ones. When it comes to images, you got to come correct as many people on online dating apps just look at photos.

If you are an adventurous person, upload photos of the adventures you had. If you are a big fan of happy hour, upload a candid picture with a cocktail in hand to create a lit profile. Ultimately it’s up to you how you are portraying yourself. It is always good to keep a selfie or your single image at first. Don’t ever make the mistake of uploading a group shot because that confuses people. Try keeping few full-length photos also as you believe it or not but some people are very concerned with physicality. So, it does not make sense if you go in a deep conversation with a person on the opposite which may have some different physic requirement as you have.

As per the saying, there is a difference between how men and women view a profile. Women often prefer seeing how someone describes themselves and connect with what they are saying while men often prefer prioritizing photos first.

Take advantage of Multimedia

Videos and photos are the highly prioritized way of conveying your personality on any online dating app. This is not only a good way of showing your personality but it also gives a good insight into your life which is very important while finding your perfect match via an online dating app.

So, to enjoy Chillflix, just make your profile the best and make it easy for you to find the perfect match.

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